Training Workshops
- 2024: Lousiville, KY, USA (Missio Nexus, Mission Leaders Conference): How to Tell the Membercare Story
- 2023: Orlando, FL, USA (Missio Nexus, Mission Leaders Conference): How Churches Can Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2023: Lancaster, PA, USA (Evangelical Press Association, Christian Media Convention): How to Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2022: Orlando, FL, USA (Missio Nexus, Mission Leaders Conference): How to Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2022: Chicago, IL, USA (Crisis Publishing Initiative): How to Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2021: Dallas, TX, USA (Missio Nexus, Mission Leaders Conference): Engaging the Hearts of Your Constituents Through Stories
- 2021: Global, Online Webinar (EMDC): How to Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2021: Global, Online E-Course (le Motif): Network Communications 101
- 2021: Global, Online Webinar (Missio Nexus): How to Tell Dangerous Stories
- 2020: Global, Online Webinar (EMDC): Developing Spiritual Eyes for Storytelling
- 2020: Global, Online E-Course (le Motif): Telling Your Network Story
- 2020: Global, Online Webinar/Workshop (visionSynergy): Telling Your Network Story
- 2015: San Jose, Costa Rica (Wycliffe Americas Area): Identifying Stories, Working with Freelancers and Volunteers, Maximizing Limited Resources
- 2014: Wiesbaden, Germany (Wycliffe Europe Area): Social Media Marketing Basics
- 2012: Bratislava, Slovakia (Wycliffe Europe Area): Social Media Marketing Basics
- 2012: Nairobi, Kenya (Wycliffe Africa Area): 3D Communication – Using Promotional Media Wisely in the Internet Age
- 2012: Johannesburg, South Africa (WNN): Story Gathering 101 – Interviewing Basics
- 2011: Accra, Ghana (GILLBT): Developing a Communications Strategy
- 2010: Worcester, South Africa (YWAM Worcester): Social Media Marketing Basics
- 2010: Accra, Ghana (GILLBT): Communications 101 – Audiences, Key Messages, Media, Impact Stories
- 2009: Nairobi, Kenya (BTL): Branding Basics
- 2009: Nairobi, Kenya (SIL Africa Area): Identifying Impact Stories for Funding Reports
- ICETE: Communications Strategy Development
- Impact Indo-Malay: Communications Strategy Development
- V5:9: Communications Strategy Development
- Global Ethnodoxology Network: Communications Strategy Development, Media Library Development
- Christian Medical Fellowship, UK: Communications Strategy Development, Feedback on Social Media
- International Partnering Associates: Communications Strategy Development, Branding, Media Library Development
- Anchor Ministries: Communications Strategy Development
- God’s Vision for Haiti: Communications Strategy Development
- The Imago School: Branding and Media Library Development
- Gates of Hope, Inc.: Developing a Mailing List and E-Newsletter
- iTEE Global: Communications Strategy Development
- Living Hope International: General Advice
- Wycliffe France: Marketing with E-newsletters and Texts, Communications Strategy Development
- Wycliffe South Africa: Branding
- Wycliffe USA: Communicating with an American Audience about Work in African Countries
- Ghana Institute for Languages Literacy and Bible Translation: Communications Strategy Development
Peer 2 Peer for Marketing & Communications Staff Webinar Series
From March 2021 until December 2024, Heather facilitated a webinar series on the Missio Nexus platform for staff working for mission agencies in marketing and communications roles. She selects training topics, recruits presenters, and hosts the webinars. More than 1200 people attended these webinars.
- December 2024: Selecting Effective Stock Imagery. Presented by Jeremy Cherry of the Brand Studio at Journey Group.
- November 2024: Crossing the Communication Divide Between Ministry and Media. Presented by Clem Boyd of Infinity Concepts.
- October 2024: Words That Serve You Well: The Editor as Curator, Refiner and Influencer. Presented by Beverly Guy of Christar.
- August 2024: 2024 Podcasting Trends and Tips. Presented by Casey Helmick of Capital Content.
- June 2024: The Ethical Edge – Leveraging AI for Authentic Content Strategy and Creation. Presented by Julie Johnson Novara of Julie Johnson Writing Services.
- May 2024: Video Storytelling for Missions. Presented by Micah Trostle of Trostle Films.
- April 2024: How to Find Your Most Impactful Stories. Presented by Kristin Sukraw of StoryFind Films.
- March 2024: Digital Storytelling: How to Build an Effective and Engaging Story Site. Presented by Kristie Glaspie and Amy Van Drunen of World Vision.
- February 2024: Finding Great Stories When You Can’t Be There in Person. Presented by Jim Killam of Wycliffe Global Alliance.
- February 2024: How to Double Your Next Fundraising Campaign. Presented by Jesse Lane of Branches Mission Lab.
- January 2024: Leverage Your Website to Reach the Nations. Presented by Cole Shiftlet of Accelerate Web Growth.
- December 2023: The Details Matter: How a Project Manager Can Help Reduce Your Workload. Presented by Emma Lown of Hope International.
- November 2023: Branding from the Inside Out: Growth Through Authentic Brand Communication. Presented by Mark Dreistadt of Infinity Concepts.
- October 2023: Writing for Social Change: How the Right Words at the Right Time and Place Transform Us. Presented by Tim Morgan of Gordon College.
- August 2023: Harnessing the Power of Technology. Presented by Jason Rutel of Creative Nomads.
- May 2023: Your Greatest Story Ever Told: How Your Missions Writing Can Reach More Readers. Presented by Jeremy Weber of Christianity Today.
- April 2023: Leading with Beauty: Storytelling Foundations. Presented by Grant Klinefelter of Greater Europe Mission.
- March 2023: Sharing Your Story: Becoming a Media-Savvy Communicator. Presented by Vicky Mixon of Wycliffe USA.
- February 2023: How Cause Organizations Can Write Effective Social Media Content for Key Audiences. Presented by Julie Johnson Novara of Julie Johnson Writing Services.
- January 2023: Thought Leadership for Servant Leaders. Presented by Mary Tindall of Caliope Communications.
- December 2022: How to Share Your Organization’s Message Through Self-Publishing Books. Presented by Matt Green of Pioneers USA.
- November 2022: So You Want to Have a Podcast. Presented by Morgan Lee of Christianity Today.
- September 2022: Missional Marketing – Building Messages that Matter. Presented by Brandon West of PHOS Creative.
- August 2022: Communications and the Mission of God – Aligning Communications with God’s Purposes. Presented by Florence Wamae and Dawn Kruger of SIL International.
- May 2022: Foundations for an Effective Communications Department. Presented by David Wied of OutwardHeart.
- April 2022: Harvesting Those Ripe Fields – Digital Marketing for the Kingdom. Presented by Paul Merrill of Greener Grass Media.
- March 2022: Web Design Strategy. Presented by Zach Leighton of Reliant Creative.
- February 2022: What is Your Brand Score? Presented by Jinu Thomas of ReThink Creative.
- January 2022: Discovering the Effective Writer within You. Presented by freelance writer Jessica Whitmore.
- November 2021: Maximizing Videos and Photos to Tell Your Story. Presented by David Johnson of Silent Images.
- October 2021: Crisis Communications Essentials. Presented by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications.
- August 2021: Brand Refresh – What to Know Before Making Your Mark. Presented by Sherri Heinz Kerr of Cahoots Communication, Inc.
- July 2021: Does Your Marketing Matter? Presented by Audrey Reeves of Kumveka.
- June 2021: Beyond Belief. Presented by Kurian Babykutty of 40 Parables.
- May 2021: Podcasting for Missions and Ministries. Presented by Blessing Mpofu of Alpha.
- April 2021: How to Tell Dangerous Stories. Presented by Heather Pubols of le Motif.
- March 2021: Know Yourself and Know Your Audience. Presented by Liam Savage of One Hope.