Entries by Heather Pubols

Heather Pubols Appointed as Next CEO of Media Associates International

Media Associates International (MAI) announces the appointment of Heather Pubols as its next Chief Executive Officer, effective November 11. She was unanimously and enthusiastically elected by the Board of Directors after an extensive selection process. Heather, a skilled global communications consultant and editor, will succeed John Maust on his retirement after 25 years in the position.

Cross-Cultural Economics

About a week after my husband and I moved to Kenya in 2009 I took my first real trip through the grocery store to look for items that I needed for our home. The store near where we lived had an amazing variety! You could buy everything from a loaf of bread to a new kitchen table and everything in between. It was like a Kenyan Super Wal-Mart!

Simplicity Gone Astray

In 2012 I took a media team to a country in central Africa to get stories about Bible translation projects in the country. We stayed in a guesthouse at an educational institution, and nearby was a school for the students’ children.

“Put away your cameras!” a man shouted…

Announcing: le Motif [lay-moh-TEEF]

In October 2018 I joined Global Service Network – a ministry that helps independent Christian workers and small Christian organizations with financial management and accountability.

Through them I was able to start a consultancy aimed at helping Christian nonprofits tell their story. I’m excited to announce that now I have a name and logo for this new venture: le Motif.

A Change of Direction

Jeff and I are coming to the end of an extended sabbatical away from our regular responsibilities with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Wycliffe Global Alliance. After this period of prayer, reflection and seeking guidance from God and others, we have an announcement to make about our next steps in work and ministry.